Signability Test 2.01.0090 INF Common errors DDK Info/Downloads Testing N:\mct\Customer\Asus\AC97-MDC-Notebook\Submission_to_WHQL\Modem_Drivers\Win9x-R220B-1033(DFV)\MDMCHIPV.INF Windows 98 Results: OK: Inf ready for signing on Windows 98. Windows ME Results: ERROR: DriverVer must be set to at date greater than 08/01/2000 to ensure your driver will properly install. Windows 2000 Results: ERROR: WDM drivers are required for MODEM. ERROR: MDMCHIPV.INF is copying an inf in [PTInf.Copy], please remove this, infs are not allowed to copy inf files to the system. Done: 1 infs tested.